Bushells Tea - Loose leaf.

I’d never really drank loose leaf until I met my husband. Maybe because prior to meeting Mat I was in too big of a rush and never really stopped to appreciate how the ritual of something so small and everyday is actually a little form of self-care that can change your whole outlook..

Back in the dating days loose leaf was a staple in Mat’s kitchen sitting alongside a tin of Sunshine powdered milk on the laminate. Before I came along, he also shared his home with a few mice and a friendly carpet snake at an old farm cottage near Warren, NSW.

Loose leaf tea lives on in our home today however the powdered milk’s hidden for a rainy day or a poddy’s bottle.

How could we go back when we have the local goodness of @littlebigdairycoin our district!

This Bushells Tea print always makes me smile and a little bit nostalgic for those simpler days and I have popped up a limited number on my website. Perfect prezzie for grandparents, old bushies or mums that just need a bit of reminding to slow down a little and be still (even if it is for just a few minutes)

Clancy Paine1 Comment